So, I finished Twilight in two nights, and it was a really good read. I am thinking I will read the rest of the series by Sunday. John is out of town on a business trip, so it will be a little quieter around the house... of course, that is always relative. I don't associate vampires with Satan, by the way, so I don't feel like I'm evil for reading the series. I just think it's a good story, so I'll leave it at that.
We decided to decorate the house last night, and it was truly the perfect series of little moments that I hope my girls logged in their memory banks. Kayden wanted some spaghetti, so I hurriedly cooked some, folded two loads of laundry and washed the dishes. All the while, John was up in the attic, no doubt rearranging some of our junk and castaway toys that hopefully have memories banked with them, as well. He and Kayden finally emerged from the garage, tree in tow, and we set to it. Kylee immediately repurposed the tree box as a play pen, and it was such a joy to watch her little face getting so excited at every little decoration that we pulled out.

I tuned into streaming Christmas music on my laptop, and the girls had a ball decorating the tree. Once that was up, we moved to the dining table to explore the boxes with the light-up train and stockings. Both of the girls thought that the best way to get everything out was to stand on the table and pull it all out all around them. I didn't care at all; it was the cutest scene to watch. This is really Kylee's first year to actually pay attention to all of the excitement, and her reaction to it all didn't disappoint. She would gasp and say "Ligh ligh!" for lights, "twee!", "baw!", "sock!".. it was fun.
I think we created a special night that I will certainly try to replicate next year, and hopefully it will be our new little Harms family tradition... Kylee sits in the box, they climb up on the table and strew the decorations everywhere, eat the old candy canes out of the bottom of the decoration box, and jump around to carols. The tree is already sporting the first few ornaments that they have made, and a few others that are sentimental.
They both got a turn trying to put the angel in her place. She's built a little weird at the bottom (not that there's anything wrong with that), but Kylee really did try her best, and Kayden was being such a ham.

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