I am just at a loss for words to describe how the Lord decides to speak to me. He usually sneaks up on me when I least expect it and wallops me over the head. I have always had a relationship with Him, and His new boldness is almost refreshing.
I woke up a few minutes ago with the inability to swallow without sharp pain in my throat. John is still up, and he walked through to get a late night (or early morning) snack. I asked him to get the Aleve from my console in my Tahoe, because I'm not sure I can go back to sleep. I went to the Minute Clinic in CVS for a strep test, which came back negative, but I'm not convinced. The practicioner thought that I had a viral infection that seems to be harboring in Saginaw. I believe she said I was about the tenth person with the same symptoms; pain in the neck, swollen glands, almost impossible to swallow, body aches like the flu, headache, ear ache... Oh, and I do have fluid behind my left ear which would explain the latter of the symptoms. I have been nauseous and then these symptoms started yesterday some time, and I was thinking that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired!
Then.. He did it to me again.
I was surfing around any message board to try and Google for some sort of intelligent answer to my symptoms, and I found this blog post. I have read her blog before, and she is a gifted writer.
He speaks through her.
He just did it to me.
My measly sore throat doesn't seem to matter that much anymore.
Kayden had RSV. She turned purple a couple of times, and it took the doctors what seemed like an eternity to help her. She was on breathing treatments and steroids from the time she was six weeks old to about eight months old.
She was one of the lucky ones.
Kylee has bronchiolitis right now. We took her to the clinic in College Station this weekend, and the doctor said it could possibly be RSV and to watch her to see if her symptoms worsen. I just heard her cough. Writing that, I am reminded that He is laying there with her, and will let me know when I need to go in there and get her in some way. I have to trust that...
As I was about a month or so ago... I am grateful for His timing.
i think i like this little life
A popular tiktok going around right now, usually a video showcasing
someone's dog or family members. Social media, ugh, I don't know what to
say, but I thi...
1 year ago
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