Our Christmas was nothing less than wonderful. The girls were so excited. Kayden got her first doll house from Santa, and Kylee got her first potty. I say first, because if this one hadn't been a hit, I would have tried another model... maybe with more bells and whistles. This is the run-of-the-mill cushy seat. She seems to get a kick out of sitting on it, though. She has yet to make any contributions to the potty god, but we're working on it. I'm borrowing a friend's suggestion to just put it in the same room as she is in at the time, and not really make a big deal of it being there. I do have a little bit of a vested interest in her completion of her potty training milestone, I must confess, and I can't help but ask her a million times if she wants to sit on it. She obliges every time I ask, so hopefully this won't take too terribly long.
I have been wanting an inside dog since John and I started living together oh some six years ago. He has always said no, and while I am very capable of overriding that decision, I have decided to respect that. I asked him last year what it would take to have a dog in the house, and he said if they were both potty trained that we would be able to get one. Well... Kylee is working on it, so I am holding him to it!
The week before Christmas was pretty busy, as well. I moonlight as a floor tiler. ... Ok, not really, but I can tile floor. I went and tiled my Mom's kitchen for her the weekend before Christmas, and that was a whirlwind. Tiling is actually pretty fun. I moved her fridge and stove out. It was the craziest thing... the stove was about 32 years old, and I guess they used to nail stoves to the adjacent cabinets, because I had to pry it out. Thank goodness my parents had taken the girls to the park, or I think my Mom would have had a heart attack watching me wrestle with it. Another thank goodness was that she didn't want me to put it back in. I don't think I would have... The only snafu was that we had to go and get another wet saw about halfway through. The saw that I had started sparking, even with full water, and it was driving me nuts. At the end of the weekend, my Mom was much happier with a cleaner-looking floor, and I was happy that they were able to spend time with the girls. The drive wasn't the best, but it was a small price to pay.
I was sick at the beginning of the week, and all I could do was get the girls to school and back. I'm sure my boss was none too happy, but I'm working all day today (save for writing this blog) to make up for any time I lost.
I am also in the midst of rotating out toys, without being obvious about it. I think that is the hardest part. Even if the girls don't play with whatever I decide to put up, it still bothers me to take their toys away.... Yes, they have shiny, new, age-appropriate ones to replace the old, but I still feel bad. Kylee is getting to the baby doll and stroller age, thus creating a little conflict with her older and similarly stubborn sister. I had to negotiate my first truce over a tiny little baby this morning. I offered four "big" babies to Kylee, and she wasn't biting. It took a Hungry Hippo game and careful diversion to get Kayden's doll back. Why they both decided to argue over THAT doll is beyond me. I am contemplating reading The Art of War, just to brush-up on my negotiation skills...
SOOOO - As I was writing this blog, I took a potty break with Kylee, and she finally tee-teed in her new potty!!! YAAAAY! Ok, so there is hope for an early '09 puppy.... I'm feeling it .
Here are a few pictures from the past week...
Kayden "driving" with Pa Pa through Santa's Wonderland:

The above picture was Christmas morning.
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