I was stopped dead in my tracks this morning. It takes a lot to do that to me. I am the Mother of two little girls under 5, so I am pretty bomb-proof.
Kayden ended up on the floor next to the couch last night, so she was bundled up and trying to wake up, as I went to go get Kylee out of her crib. I microwave little frozen blueberry pancakes every morning for them, just because of time. Kylee must've heard the timer, because as soon as I picked her up, she said, "Pan-keeks!" We were walking back through the living room (where Kayden was rolling around trying to wake up), and Kylee then said, "Hi, Kaynan!"
I stopped.
I looked at both of them and burst into giggles.
Kayden had the "wow" face, but I decided to keep Kylee moving. I dressed her, and starting thinking that I probably should note all of the things that she is learning and starting to do.
So here is my list:
1. She started walking backwards about a week ago. She's terribly proud of her new skill. It usually comes with a sideways glace, as if to say "do you seeee what I am do-eeeeeng"..
2. She is a parrot, of course, but using words on her own and in the correct context she has just started to develop as a new "skill".
3. She says "Hi, Kaynan"
4. Pan-keeks = Pancakes
5. Jack-eet = Jacket
6. Staw cryeee = Stop crying
7. All done = All done (sounds perfect to me)
8. Down
9. She can answer either "NO!" or "Yeah!" to just about any question posed to her.. and she answers with gusto
10. She runs to the bathroom, when you tell her it's time for a bath.
11. She says "buck-ooh", when she is getting in her seat in the Tahoe, or she is getting in her chair at the dinner table.
I know she is much more miraculous than this, but my brain is on temporary respite today. I can't seem to think past the fact that the holidays are coming up, and it is time to go into holiday vacation-mode... even though I don't get one....
Part II will come later, if I can remember to think of remembering to do it...
i think i like this little life
A popular tiktok going around right now, usually a video showcasing
someone's dog or family members. Social media, ugh, I don't know what to
say, but I thi...
1 year ago
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