I have been praying that God help me to be a better Mommy...
I didn't know how it would happen or what would happen, but I knew it would come.
Every night I check the blogs of friends and celebrity gossip sites and then I go to CNN, MSN, MSNBC, etc. Tonight was different. I was reading a friend of mine's blog, and I started going through her blog links to see if I could find any funny stories of encouragement from other Moms.
I did.
It wasn't funny. It was life-changing.
I have been sitting here in the middle of my bed weeping for the past hour and a half. Let me be clear... I do not think that I am even close to a bad Mom, but I do pray that God will give me the words to teach my girls about Him. I will spend the rest of my life praying for the strength to surrender to Him and the stillness to hear His whispers... I hugged Kayden (she was still up watching Spongebob) with arms that were weak from disappointment in myself that I had ever taken this little curly haired gift for granted. With tears streaming down my face, I told her that I loved her and I was sorry that I had ever yelled at her or made her sad. With a calmness beyond even my years, she brushed my hair out of my face and said it was ok. She squeezed me, and she went back to watching cartoons.
In His infinite grace... He showed me.
i think i like this little life
A popular tiktok going around right now, usually a video showcasing
someone's dog or family members. Social media, ugh, I don't know what to
say, but I thi...
1 year ago
Been there, done that!! Isn't she a wonderful writer?! very inspirational!! I am glad to see your 7X7 button too!! :) You are a great mom!
She is. I have always been a strong Christian, whether I have always demonstrated that in my actions or not. But, what I didn't realize was that there is a totally different walk and perspective that I had never even thought about. The walk as a Christian Mother is so different, and I was definitly brought to my knees with that realization last night. I can feel a lump in my throat typing... I just hadn't thought of it that way. Anyway, yes, she is an amazing writer. Thank you for adding that. I notice the button first, so hopefully anyone reading my blog will notice mine. Praise God for His web-savvy haha
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