Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I need phantoms, people...

So most people know that I figure skated. It's old news. I had doubles and triples, and I loved it. I have been wanting to take Kayden skating since she was born, but there is the small issue of sharpened steel with the intentional toepick at the end. Quite a scary looking knife, if you ask me.

I took to Craigslist, eBay, Google, just about every resource I could think of to try and find a pair of wider-than-heck boots. And, it wasn't o.k. if they were just any boots. I wanted my "old" make of boots. They are about $650 retail. Yeah, I didn't think it was wise to spend that much, nor did I want to. I prayed about it. I pray about everything these days.

A couple of days later I was looking at Craigslist, and I found a pair of 7 1/2 Ds, and they were the make that I wanted. Like I said, I needed wider-than-heck. I emailed the poster as fast as my fingers would go, and I waited. She wanted $75 for the skates, and I almost couldn't believe it. The blades on them weren't the best, but they would do for the moment. After waiting an eternity, she finally sent them...

I put them on last night, and miraculously, they fit. Honestly... if I could have slept in them without thinking I would either stab my babies or poke a hole in something, I would have. I don't have guards, yet, but I will... OH, I will. John will never realize how much it meant to me, when I walked around in them for about 20 minutes, and he didn't ask me why... I just had to. I wrapped bubble wrap around the blades, and secured it with tape. She didn't send guards, obviously... I think I said that already. Anyway, the blades are basically a coach's blade, and "my" blades aren't. I want MK Phantom blades. It's the only thing that I am used to, and years and years of skating on them just can't be changed. It's like riding a bike.

As soon as I get a good sharpening, I'm going to take Kayden. If she hates it, I really don't mind. I just have to let her see what Mommy did when she was little. She already knows what Daddy did. This is Texas, after all, so it's a little harder to show her...

Anyway, here they are. I'm excited.