I woke up this morning at about 1 a.m. to the most hideous barking I had ever heard Hardy produce. He started in the back of the house and moved to the side next to the bedrooms. I was just certain by the second round of barking that someone or something was going to come bursting in our back door... Soo, I went and woke John up and got the Glock. I NEVER touch the guns... I had to move one of John's rifles to tile the closet, and I hated it. BUT, when he's out of town, or I think someone or something is about to come in the house, it is my best friend.
Anyway, I think John was pretty surprised when I started taking the holster off of it.. he knows I absolutely know how to use them, but this was pretty unusual... I took off out the back door with him on my heels. Hardy made some horrible sound, there was a commotion and we backed off and headed inside. I went out the front door to John's dismay, I'm sure, and we found nothing. We went back to bed, and figured it was Hardy barking at nothing or a rabbit.
10 minutes later.....
More hideous barking. John came through with the gun this time. Still nothing. He decided to go to the side of the house, thinking that something was in the dog house. He came back in and said that Hardy was bleeding and that there was a cat trapped between the house and the air conditioner. Hardy hates cats. Apparently, they hate him.
He ended up with a ripped ear and a few minor cuts on his face. I ran to Walmart to get Betadine and gloves. After two tries, I finally got his ear secured and enough pressure to stop it from bleeding. He was losing a fair amount of blood.
Here are some pictures after his bath, and the first attempt at wrapping up his head...

That didnt go very well, so i tried again.... This one is still on right now, so hopefully it worked!

The first try, I attempted to secure a diaper around his ear and use sports tape to keep it all on. He got that off pretty quickly. He was losing blood fast, so I ended up wrapping his ear in sports tape and then wrapping it around his head. He gave me a hug and thanked me when it was all over, and he gave up trying to get it off :-(
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