Next year, we are going to decore much more...

We welcomed our second little angel into this world. I can't believe it has already been a year. I remember thinking I was pregnant, taking the test, confirming the suspicion, running across the street and telling my friend Robin, and telling John when he got home during a light drizzle that we were going to have another baby.
The short of it... really...
Kylee's pregnancy was uneventful and easy, comparatively speaking. Unfortunately, Kayden's pregnancy was not the most enjoyable. With Kylee we were able to relax. Unlike during Kayden's pregnancy, we now had a house, jobs and we had settled-in to the most wonderful life, and it has since only gotten better each day.
I went into labor two nights before I was to be induced. I was folding clothes on the floor, and we started counting contractions. They were erratic, so we went to bed. I woke up at about six on the morning of the 25th to active labor contractions, and informed John that we were going to need to "do something" with Kayden, because Kylee was on the way. I decided to sit in the tub for a minute to see if they would subside, since I was to be induced the next day, but they only got more intense the more I relaxed. She was on her way! I wish we had taken a picture of what we had dressed Kayden in that morning for school. I'm sure it would have been a sight to see. Jodie, the assistant director of the center, could see me through the glass front door in my Tahoe during my contractions, while John was taking his sweet time taking Kayden inside. I think she was just as excited as we were. The cool thing is to think that she saw me in labor with Kylee, and yesterday morning was the first other than me to tell her happy first birthday... pretty neat. Anyway, my doctor is about an hour away with moderate traffic. She delivered Kayden, and I love her. She was my doctor when we were in school, thus the reason for the distance... BUT a good OB is like a good girlfriend... hard to find and worth every effort to keep. John ran every red light and went around every line of traffic we encountered. I was on the phone with my dear friend Robin that was in between laughing at me and calming me down, because I would hand the phone off during contractions to John, and then I would get back on the phone and chat with her between them. I was a five by the time we got to the hospital, and they took a decade to find all the dumb paperwork thatI needed to sign to get my epidural. My water broke before they administered it, which I didn't experience with Kayden. I was induced because of high blood pressure with her. By the time I was given my epidural, I was about a six, and I had sweat through my clothes and John hadn't been allowed to go and get a cigarette, so he was pacing.
She finally graced us with her presence about 8 hours later, and she flew out with one push. The nurse had me try to push once and then stopped me. My OB came running in, and Kylee had been blocking part of the bag of waters, so she gave everyone a shower. They all actually laughed. The epidural hadn't worked on my right side, until they had given me a third bolus, so it was almost a full twelve hours afterwards, before I was able to use my left leg. I had feeling back in the right almost immediately, but the left was spaghetti haha.
She has been the most gentle and happy little soul you can imagine. She is always smiling and laughing, even though she STILL does not have a single tooth in her little head; bless her heart. And no, the doctor is still not worried in the least about that, she tells me. She's an Aggie, so I just have to believe her :-).

Good memory!! I am impressed with all the details.. I guess no mommy brain right now!! Happy birthday Kylee!!
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