So the "deal" was, with no other expressed stipulation(s), that once Kylee was potty-trained, we were allowed to have an inside small dog. Well... I don't have to use any diapers until she takes a nap or it is bedtime. In fact, she is so opposed to diapers now, that she throws a fit when I try to put them on for any reason. She potties in her little potty EVERY time, and she is so proud of herself that she looks about to burst.
Kayden, on the other hand, has been feeling ignored. I figured giving her a puppy would most probably fix that. We have tried to talk to her about it, and she really just wants something to be proud of that is "hers", I think.
So, on Monday, I got up and started searching ads online. I really wanted to adopt from a no-kill, but I didn't want to spend a whole lot of money. The shelters were wanting more than I wanted to spend, so I tried to find a small dog somewhere that wouldn't break the bank and would be fun for the girls to have. I found an ad for rat terriers, and I called the lady, met her, and ended up bringing Daisy home. John came up with her name. Now, I have had a rat terrier. I had a rat named Miller in college, and she was tiny. Daisy has the markings, but she's already about 7 or 8 pounds. I really think that she is mixed with either a large dog or a heeler or something. Her face is broad and her paws make me think she will be somewhere in the 20 pound range. That's fine, though, as long as she's not as big as Hardy and the girls can't hurt her. She's been adjusting well the past couple of days. She's going potty outside, and she's been fun. Here are a few pictures of the girls torturing her... and, Kayden had to get her a pink collar, leash and shirt...
CUTE puppy!! Yea for potty training...Emma wants nothing to do with it, so we wait! Got any advice?!? I love the outfit too!!
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