Wednesday, July 9, 2008


One of my bridesmaid's, Robin, is going to become a Grandmother again, soon. Hopefully, not too soon. Please pray for her Daughter, Ryan, and her unborn Daughter. Ryan had been having contractions that were progressing her cervix. She was put on bed rest, and the contractions stopped. She had a Fetal Fibronectin test yesterday, and it came back positive. From everything that I read last night, this is terrible. 77% of women with that result will more than likely deliver in 7-10 days. Hopefully, the information that I was reading was wrong. She is only 25 weeks. She is supposed to be having a sonogram today to assess the baby. All indications are favorable that the baby, a little girl, is healthy and developing normally. But, she would have a fight if she were born now, obviously. Ryan's first son had open-heart surgery, and prayer saved his life. He is happy and healthy and beautiful.

My other bridesmaid has a son that is having surgery today. He is such a little angel. He is my Jegerator! His name is Jeg. He has double cleft palate and lip. They are repairing the right side of his lip today. The left side was repaired in a previous surgery, and it looks incredible. They need prayer also.
Every time you think about it today, pray.

This is Ryan and her son, Joshua, at our house on the 4th:

This is my Jegerator with his Mom and Dad at our house on the 4th: