We have one month, until we are "official"! I am not sure whether to be nervous, excited, stressed... I'm hoping we have a decent turn-out. After having to cancel my bachelorette, because noone was coming, I'm expecting the worst. I'm usually not that pessimistic, but at this point I guess stress has taken over.
We hired Cinderella Stories to do our cakes, because my Great Aunt decided that she would rather not try to do them. She is having knee surgery a couple of weeks before the wedding, so she really isn't going to be strong enough to do it.
I'm in the process of putting the bridesmaid's gift bags together. I also have to tie ribbon on the bubbles.... oh how stressful tying a freaking bow can be! I'm actually going to have my bridesmaid Robin's daughter, Ryan, do it. She's prego with her second baby, and she is on bed rest for now. I know how frustrating bed rest can be, so I'm trying to come up with crafty things for her to do. I'm making the flip flops for the bridesmaids and myself, so I might have her help with that, as well.
So far 26 people are coming... crickets.... I hear them now...
I finally got Kylee fitted for the wedding. She looks like a little doll. She really wasn't into the whole standing still thing, but we got it done. She actually was very well behaved for it being her bed time. Kristin went with me and got fitted, as well. We had a heck of a time with David's Bridal. I had asked Kristin months ago to step in for my best friend and Matron of Honor, Melinda, in the event that she became pregnant and couldn't make the wedding. Well, she is not sure if she will be able to make it. She and her husband live in Florida. She is going to be 33 weeks pregnant with her first little angel on my wedding date. His name is Colin Ryan Smith, and bless his heart, the doctors found that he is having problems with his left kidney function. She is going to the doctor on the 22nd, I believe, and she will ask then about flying. She is a nurse, so she is well-equipped to know whether to take the risk or not. I told her if there was any risk in flying at all that I would be very upset if she made the trip. It is just so not worth it. I would love for her to be there, and it won't be the same without her. I never pictured anyone else as my Matron or Maid of Honor. I won't have one now, really, but if she makes it here, I will be ecstatic. I can't wait to see her pregnant belly. I can't wait to meet my nephew, either! Anyway, my point in rattling on was to explain the situation. When we ordered the dresses a year ago, they assured me (they, being the David's Bridal staff) that we would be able to return and/or exchange the dress if we needed to, no matter when we needed to. So, we get to the store for Kristin to get fitted, and they informed us that we would not be able to return or exchange Melinda's dress for Kristin's. Well... it was so late at that point, that I wasn't in the mood to argue, and I just wanted to get a dress ordered for Kristin and go home. It was after 10 at this point, and we had to order a different dress, because apparently my style had been discontinued. Oh, the drama. I was so tired of "issues" that I agreed to a dress that was basically the same, with just a different neckline.
At work the next day, I told Shelley (John's sister) about our ordeal. She reminded me that they had assured us that they would exchange the dress, yada yada. I'm not good at confrontation, so Shelley said she would call and get it straightened-out. Sure enough, within 10 minutes she had gotten them to agree to refund Melinda's money and order the correct dress for Kristin. Crisis averted.
So here are a couple of pictures of Kylee getting fitted.

Don't worry-- no one RSVPs until the end...and you may have to call them to get an answer! Can't wait for the party-- especially the cake...that lady makes the yummiest cakes ever!
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