T-minus three days, and we were spending the day today (yesterday at this point, but it's so late or early rather in the morning) at the orthopedic surgeon's office at Cook Children's Medical Center in downtown Fort Worth. Why, you ask? Well...
Kayden and her friend (whom I will leave nameless) were playing outside on Tuesday, when she let out a horrible shriek. I knew what it was right away, because she was protecting her arm. Long story short, her friend had twisted or pulled her arm and hurt her. This was particulary worrisome, because it was the same arm that had been pulled out of socket about two years ago...
In brief: A teacher at her school went psycho and yanked her up by her arm and pulled her elbow out of socket. We filed a police report, it went to the D.A., then the grand jury, and they decided not to pursue the case any further, because they could not prove malice. We had the bitch on camera. Whatever. Anyway, that was what flashed through my minds-eye.
To continue... she came home and didn't want me to do anything but lay on the couch with her and later in her bed and watch Monsters, Inc. I would try to comfort her and she said she was hurting and didn't want me to touch her. Every once in a while, she would assure me that I didn't need to take her to the doctor, because her arm was fine. In the next breath, she would cry and tell me that it hurt. Come to find out, she just didn't want me to take her to have a shot. I so remember that fear. My pediatrician was a she/he.. I still don't know what it was to this day, and it wore white nurse shoes. Oh, the scars from that... anyway... So we watched the movie, and I moved to the couch out of her bed, when she fell asleep. 15 minutes later she was on the couch with me telling me to get OFF of the couch, because I was in her way and hurting her arm.. I WAS THERE FIRST! Oh... I'm the adult here... So, she informed me that it would be o.k. if I slept on the floor. Perfect, the floor. I thought at least then she might go to sleep. Oh, if I had only been so lucky. Bless her heart, she literally whimpered every two or three minutes. She just couldn't get comfy. I can't imagine how badly it hurt.
So, this morning John and I discussed the situation, and we decided that we were torn. She stubs her toe, and it turns into an ordeal so that she can milk it for all the attention away from Kylee that she thinks it's worth. So we were thinking some of the whining might be that, but then she told us that it didn't hurt anymore. She wasn't even moving. Her eyes weren't open, but here is this little voice, "my arm doesn't hurt. I don't need to go to the doctor..." John and I just laughed. She always has to get her two-cents in. So, I took her to school and told her teacher what was going on. It wasn't 30 minutes later, and I had an email. Kayden wasn't using her arm, and she was upset. She was most upset about the fact that I was taking her to the doctor. That was much worse than the pain she was in, apparently.
The pediatrician tried to put it back into place, and he was unsuccessful. We got bad parent points, because we waited to get her in until the next morning. She hurt it around 9 PM. Not sure we should relinquish our parent card for that, but whatever. He told me that with "Nurse Maid's Elbow" (google it), you have to reset it within 4 hours or it becomes more difficult as time goes on. Having said that, he did tell me that she seemed to have been severely injured, though, so he wasn't sure that theory would have really applied to her. At any rate, he wasn't comfortable trying to reset it any further, so off we went to the orthopedic surgeon. Beautiful. I was pissed, stressed, heart-broken for Kayden, and selfishly hoping that we wouldn't have to make a million different doctor visits to fix her poor arm. My hoping wasn't all in vain. The orthopedic surgeon visit was actually a piece of cake.
The ortho took pictures of her bones, as I explained it to her, and he assured me that she was all in one piece and her friend hadn't broken anything, but had twisted or pulled it pretty hard. He gave me two options. Option one was to attempt to reset it, but he said he really didn't want to do that. She was still traumatized from the pediatricians failed attempt, and he said he didn't want to put her through that. Option two was the winner: we would cast her arm from her hand to the middle of her upper-arm, and then come back in two weeks to remove it. We walked out of there... well, I did with a monkey sporting a purple cast, and feeling much better. As soon as the cast was on, she said it didn't hurt her any more.
At least it is in my color scheme. :-)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
We went to see a surgeon today...
Posted by The Harms at 2:32 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I have GAS!
In my Tahoe, and I am ready to run the last-minute errands for the wedding. We have NINE DAYS! That still seems like an eternity. We have been engaged since April 2004. 4 years and four months. Wait... I was just doing the math in my head.. I think that's right. I think we decided that we had been together since 11/10/02. That's right.. I got pregnant in January of '04, got engaged when I was about 4 months pregnant, and then I had kayden on 10/01/04. I was thinking that we had been engaged for five years for some reason... not that after four years it matters that much, but still.
Anyway, what is another 9 days? Maybe Kylee's diaper rash will clear up, since her upper front tooth will have time to break through... that's what I worry about these days ;-) She has been teething so badly, and she is SOOOO late... bless her heart.
I have to make the flip flops for my girls this weekend and buy their gifts. Actually, I have about half of the stuff that I am putting in their bags; I just need to finish. John is going to C.S. for his bachelor party this weekend, so I will probably have time to get everything done. Funny how when he is home I feel like I get nothing done, and when he is home I feel so productive! I guess I just feel like I have to wait on him all the time when he's home or do whatever he thinks he wants me to do... he's just another kiddo for me to babysit haha... not really, he's just distracting.
I am getting stressed-out, though. I need to contact the DJ, pastor and make sure that all the vendors don't forget. I just have this fear that someone won't show up. I guess what happens happens, and everything will be fine. I just need for next weekend to get here!
Posted by The Harms at 3:23 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
To update -
Ryan is still pregnant, which is marvelous. She had her sonogram, and her baby is doing well. We are having a hard time getting her to follow the order to STAY OFF OF HER FEET! I told her I was going to kick her butt after she has her Daughter. I was on bed rest with Kayden, so I know the frustration, but it goes without saying that it is so worth listening!
The Jegerator is doing really well, also. They literally gave him a brand new face. I'm going to have to get used to it, because I so adored the "old" one! The only surgeries that he will need to have now will be to repair his palate. His is one handsome little guy. I'm really not sure that anyone will be able to tell really what his lip used to look like, after the swelling has subsided. It is just amazing what doctors can "fix" now. I'll have to post an updated picture today or tomorrow.
To anyone and everyone that prayed for these two people that are so special to me.. thank you. It worked. The power of prayer, as I have always known and at times forgotten, is far greater than we can ever comprehend.
On the subject of prayer... my oldest and dearest friend, Melinda, is pregnant with her first son. She will be around 33 weeks on the date of our wedding. She has told me that she isn't sure if she will be able to make it, so a good friend of mine, Kristin, is stepping-in for her as a bridesmaid. Melinda would have been my Matron-of-Honor. Her baby is having problems with his kidney function, so they, too, need all the prayer that they can get.
I'll post pictures of Kayden and her Dad at the Airhogs game on Friday.. I wish we could have gone... Kylee and I have been pretty sick for the past few days. We have some sort of dumb stomach bug that requires that you are within 10 feet of a toilet at all times... sucks....
19 days to go! wahooo!
Posted by The Harms at 1:23 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
One of my bridesmaid's, Robin, is going to become a Grandmother again, soon. Hopefully, not too soon. Please pray for her Daughter, Ryan, and her unborn Daughter. Ryan had been having contractions that were progressing her cervix. She was put on bed rest, and the contractions stopped. She had a Fetal Fibronectin test yesterday, and it came back positive. From everything that I read last night, this is terrible. 77% of women with that result will more than likely deliver in 7-10 days. Hopefully, the information that I was reading was wrong. She is only 25 weeks. She is supposed to be having a sonogram today to assess the baby. All indications are favorable that the baby, a little girl, is healthy and developing normally. But, she would have a fight if she were born now, obviously. Ryan's first son had open-heart surgery, and prayer saved his life. He is happy and healthy and beautiful.
This is my Jegerator with his Mom and Dad at our house on the 4th:

Posted by The Harms at 10:11 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
I entered Kylee into the "DFW's CUTEST BABY" contest on Mix 102.9. It's a great station, and they stream online, if you're interested in listening to a family-friendly "mix". Anyway, click the radio button next to "Kaylee Hall"... I emailed them and asked them to correct it, so we'll see how long that takes, but it's her! The site will send you an email to the email address that you enter at the bottom. You can vote once per email address that you have, so if you have more than one - USE THEM!!!!!!! We win a trip to Mexico, if she wins..
This is the picture:Here is the link: http://www.mix1029.com/pages/contests/cutebaby/index-voting-2.html
Posted by The Harms at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
One Month to Go...
We have one month, until we are "official"! I am not sure whether to be nervous, excited, stressed... I'm hoping we have a decent turn-out. After having to cancel my bachelorette, because noone was coming, I'm expecting the worst. I'm usually not that pessimistic, but at this point I guess stress has taken over.

Posted by The Harms at 3:33 PM 1 comments