Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I'm a slacker

So, I have been doing some SERIOUS slacking in the Blogger department. I hate excuses, so it has nothing to do with the fact that I have two very mobile and spirited children under the age of four, a career and boss that ignores the existence of said children and a wedding that is inching ever so close and gaining momentum all the while.. oh, AND it is taking control of my finances... WHEW... I'm just sayin'...

Anyway - I have to say a humongous public prayer and acknowledge my new Mommy Hero. The owner of the daycare (Endless Discoveries) that Kayden and Kylee go to just delivered a baby boy by c-section, after 48 hours of labor at home without drugs. I'm not sure of the details as of yet, but I do know that both of them are fine and recovering. I went walking with her mom and her on Saturday afternoon, and she went into labor Saturday night at midnight. Kayden didn't want to walk, so I carried her the whole mile-and-a-half or so. I couldn't really complain, as Kristin was TWELVE DAYS OVERDUE by that point. It was actually a pretty good workout.

I have to say that I only experienced being dilated to a six without an epidural. I know I would be strong enough to "do" 48 hours, but I would NEVER, and I mean NEVER want to. So, mentally there is no way. I can only speak for myself to say that she is a stronger woman than I am. I can assume that most women would say the same.

Other than that excitement, we have had some of our own! Kylee pulled up this morning on one of her toys. I didn't run to get the camera; I just watched. She was looking out the doorway to see if I was watching, but she didn't look high enough, or she would have seen me. She has been slow to really care much about crawling, pulling up, etc. She has the cutest "commando crawl" that I have ever seen! I haven't been worried in the least. I have come to learn that the best thing to do it sit back and watch them. They grow up way too fast, so the longer I can keep her "little", the better. Kayden was walking by this point. She took her first steps at 9 months old. The picture to the right is at 8 months, and she also had teeth. (Kylee has yet to have one emerge).. The picture to the left is of the first time she pulled up on March 25th 2005. After that, my little baby disappeared. I thought I would take my time with Kylee. Every moment is so precious.

Here are a few pictures of the last few weeks.

My Mom brought this kitchen to Kayden this past Saturday. It does a bunch of cool stuff like make water sounds, the microwave dings and it asks her what she's cooking. John's Mom bought her one for Christmas last year, but back to the "little" thing.. she has outgrown it already. I put it in the corner of the kitchen for Kylee, and this new one went in Kayden's room. Now, they both have kitchens!

John and "Uncle Jevon"... We finally left our house last Friday and went out with Jevon and, I swear, his future wife. He gave Kylee kisses, when we got home... such a sweetie.

Kylee is my Ladybug. She is always the happiest little soul.


Erica said...

well, all I can say is it's about damn time! You think time was just standing still over in North Texas.. good to see things are progressing! Such a pretty smile!