I've been too busy to blog. Work is insane. A girl that worked for me left, and I have taken over her job, as well as mine. My corporate word for it was "absorb"... I hate absorbing. Say it enough and it's one of those words that sounds silly... absorb... absorb... absorb... see? Anyway. That's where my brain is. My boss is one of those special fellas that doesn't want to know details or how you got into the trainwreck you're in, but the fact that you are in it MUST be your fault. You were riding on the train, right? Your fault. If the analogy is not understood, the job itself is a trainwreck. No training when you get there. No training while you are there. Projects thrown at you. What do you mean you don't have time to do three jobs, stay until seven and work on the weekend? Seriously. I am trying to juggle it and avoid any questions. I'm trying to keep my head down for the moment. The economy is too weak to think outside the box that I work in....
More importantly, Robin's Daughter (Robin stood in at the wedding as my Matron-of-Honor for Melinda, who at the time was incredibly pregnant), Reann, flipped her 4-wheeler last week, and she is now hospitalized. Robin was eating dinner and her friend riding with her sped up to the house, and told them she had crashed. Charles sped out there to her, and she was tor
n up. She couldn't stand up, and she was in beyond excrutiating pain. She says she doesn't remember it, which is awesome. She hadn't seen a very steep ditch or culvert, depending on what part of Texas you are from, and hit it at probably fifty or sixty miles an hour. They rushed her to the hospital and the hospital cleaned her up, stitched her up and sent her home. We went to see her the next day, and I can't come close to describing how horrid her leg looked. She suffered a gash to the top of her elbow, which required stitches to close. Her leg was the worst road rash I have ever and might ever see for the rest of my life. Her leg had been reduced to raw meat, and in the middle of all of the mess was about a five inch gash that was jagged and stitched. She was developing bruising from the inside that was making to the skin in black splotches. She also had another bruise like that in her kidney area. We ran to the store, because they ran out of gauze pads. It took around four to cover the worst parts of her leg. Her discharge papers had Robin pouring peroxide directly on her leg wound and flushing it with water. Tap water. They had told her to do that. I had Reann lean back on me while she was doing it, because she was wincing and the first time her body tensed, mine went haywire. I started sweating, getting hot and dizzy, and was sure I would puke. I made it outside and back in without any major issues, but I was close. I could look at it and watch her wince, but put both together and I couldn't take it apparently.
Robin and Robert came to Kayden's party, and in the middle of everything they got the call that Reann had developed a fever. They rushed her to Cook's Children's Medical Center Downtown, and she was admitted. I found out today that if they had waited even a few hours later that she might not have had the option of keeping her leg. The first hospital that had sewed her up had left rocks and gravel and dirt in her leg and arm. Her entire arm was now swollen and the tissue around her calf and bone in her leg was dead. She now needs a skin graft to cover the wound that spans her leg from her knee to ankle. She had a surgery to optn the wounds and insert drains on Monday. Yesterday she got to rest. Somewhat. Today she had another surgery to clean out her wounds, yet again, and give the plastic surgeon an opportunity to see inside her arm and leg and gauge what the damage was. It was not good. He is going to do the graft on Friday. The drains will stay in place for another five days after Friday. She will then have another surgery to either close what is still open or fix the graft. They are taking it one step at a time. In the midst of all of this, Robin's Husband's Uncle Jody had to be admitted to Harris Methodist across the street from Reann's hospital for seizures. Robin and their family just recently moved out to Jody's house in the country to take care of him, because of said seizures.
I am at a loss for what to do but go up there and just sit by them every chance I get and to pray. It makes me sick to think that people are really worried about anything other than thanking God for every chance they get to see their kids and be at home with their families. Some unfortunate people are not capable of compassion, perspective and humility. I pity those people. Seeing one of my best friends watch her Daughter in pain and go through all of this is enough perspective for me. It wouldn't have taken that.
By the way... Kayden and Kylee became really quiet last night, while John and I were watching t.v. Kayden had changed Kylee's diaper. Wipes and all. On the right way. Even sprinkled powder (the only thing that works on Kylee). I was pretty much blown-away. It was magic to watch....
I pray that God allows me to have many more magical moments like that.
i think i like this little life
A popular tiktok going around right now, usually a video showcasing
someone's dog or family members. Social media, ugh, I don't know what to
say, but I thi...
1 year ago
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