So, my Mom's house wasn't flooded, but John's side of the family wasn't so lucky. John's Uncles and Aunts live all around the Pasadena, Seabrook, Clear Lake area, and his Aunt Annette's house was destroyed by flooding. They have had to rip out sheet rock, appliances, furniture and all of the brand new hand-scraped wood flooring that they just installed. One of his Uncles had a tree branch fall on one of their cars.
In the grand scheme of things, it could obviously have been much worse. My Mom's power wasn't restored until 9/20, but it could still be off. The huge tree in our front yard could have collapsed, but it didn't. Entire structures could have been lost, and they weren't, but it still does not lessen the impact that Ike had on our family. Both sides of the family have been through numerous hurricanes, and I think this one was the most surprising and devastating of them all. My own personal theory is that the meteorologists were way off, and the storm was much more unpredictable and stronger than they expected. Just theory.
Anyway, we came through it uninjured and more tired than normal, but alive. That's all we could have really asked for.
i think i like this little life
A popular tiktok going around right now, usually a video showcasing
someone's dog or family members. Social media, ugh, I don't know what to
say, but I thi...
1 year ago
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