... to get back into the swing of blogging. A TON has been going on, and I really think this is the first chance I have had to sit and do nothing... or sort of nothing. I mean, what kind of Mom would I be if I weren't multi-tasking five things, right? Nothing means that I'm making coffee, mac 'n cheese, mashed potatoes, cleaning the kitchen, blogging and uploading... realatively, though, that IS nothing.
So the girls have been sick for the past two days, and they finally took me down with them last night. Kylee is fine, but Kayden's temp is still running a little high today. High for her is 99.5. I think her basal is around 97. Ironically, this is the first weekend that we have been at home in at least a month, so naturally God would force us to relax by being sick, right? Nice. Anyway, at least we get to be here together and relax. And I can catch up on laundry. And clean. And mop. And scrub toilets. But, whatever.
We have been training for a marathon now for about four months. This is the schedule. We are on week 17, so I am running 4 today and 10 tomorrow. I should have been running 10 today, but I had to push it back, since it's not the smartest thing to run with fever. It's interesting what the human body can tolerate. 10 miles might seem horrendous, but it's just a matter of training. Anyone can do it that has even the slightest of motivation. Well, I have been told that I am a running freak, so I guess my take on motivation is relative. We are about to start the "real" schedule. I think the longest we'll have to run is 22 or 23 miles, and the culmination of all of this punishment will be hopefully finishing the White Rock Marathon. I'm excited. I'm not sure that John knew what he was getting into by agreeing to run this with me, but my sneaky plan of hoping it will induce him to slow down on smoking is working slightly. He is still smoking, but he's smoking lites now. Not that lites are really any better, but I'll take every baby step I can get. It's starting to kick him in the butt, whenW we run longer than five miles.
I've also realized that I have Amazon feet. Apparently, for each of your first two children, your foot gains half of a size. I am wearing big shoes. I was wearing a whole size too small for a couple of years it seems, so I am now literally investing in the right running shoes. My shoes also only last me around 300 miles, before my knees start screaming, which is two or three months, give or take. I have a Garmin, a Camelbak, a 4 to 1 carb to protein ratio drink and a stick. Who knew it took so much gear to train for a marathon. It's so worth it, though.
We don't really drink anymore for several reasons. How many partying married couples actually make it? A few, but not the majority. That was the primary reason. The effects of that decision have been multi-fold. Weight loss, energy, productiveness, health, blah blah... I also don't think it would help the training very much. Some of our friends have a hard time understanding, but it's just a decision for us. It's not something that will become an imposition by any means. We could care less what other couples do. I had a glass of wine at Dave and Della's reception, and I woke up hungover the next morning. I don't think my body likes it all that much! We're still fun without it... in fact probably more fun, so it's not something for anyone else to waste time stressing about. We can be around everyone else drinking and it doesn't matter. I think some of our couple friends will understand at some point. I think everyone gets there...
I will add a couple more posts today... One after I get the girls to take a nap, and one after my run, I'm hoping...
i think i like this little life
A popular tiktok going around right now, usually a video showcasing
someone's dog or family members. Social media, ugh, I don't know what to
say, but I thi...
1 year ago