Blogging via Blackberry... Seriously. Tech stuff makes me giddy. I'm dangerously close to chronic geekdom.
Posted by The Harms at 1:08 PM 0 comments
I think the woman that wrote the article attached to the URL below is a complete lunatic. I would have to go a re-read the entire article again to be sure that I disagree with everything she says, but I think it would piss me off too much. Seriously.
How do you quantify the level of love that you have for your children and husband and dare to compare the two? Those two loves are so polar and yet so visceral it's dangerous to let the two inter-mingle. I will say that I would destroy anyone that even alluded to harming my children in any way, and anyone includes my husband. It's not personal; it's instinctual. However, to think that my husband would even be in that group of "anyone" is absurd. He is phenomenal.
Back to my fury.
Condoms in the bathroom? Why don't you just sit down with "The Joy of Sex" and read it with an outstretched arm to be sure that they take in the pictures. Pan to the right and then to the left to display every angle. Insanity.
I understand being open. I understand wanting to have a great relationship with your kids. I just don't think that counting the number of missing condoms in the bathroom is making the type of connection that is healthy. It's lazy to express the very least of my exasperation at that whole parenting theory.
As a wife, on the other hand, I love my husband unconditionally. I do not withhold showing him precisely how much, based upon how many dishes he washes or how many times he vacuums.
I usually don't comment or blog about articles that I have read. I certainly don't pay much attention to editorials, but this one just blew me away.
See for yourself:
Posted by The Harms at 12:41 PM 1 comments
I messed with the HTML in the last post, when I didn't really have enough time to make it look right. I'll fix it later :-)
The point of this post is to POINTE out that I just enrolled Kayden in dance, and I am JAZZED!
Shameless play-on-words intended.
Posted by The Harms at 8:47 AM 0 comments
She's two! Here are some pictures from her actual birthday, and then pictures of her party. Her birthday was on the same day as Meghan and Dustin's wedding.
Posted by The Harms at 2:48 PM 0 comments