I had an exhausting weekend, and the girls had a blast! We drove to College Station on Friday night and got there around 10, and the girls played until midnight with their MeMe and PaPa. I went to bed pretty soon after, because Saturday was incredibly NUTS for me!
This was my schedule:
9:00 A.M. - Meet with Ashley from the Hilton to go over the menu and take some shots of the room. I also made a mental note of the approximate location of the outlets for some of the decor. My Mom and I met "Chef", and he was very friendly. Apparently, that's what we're supposed to call him?
This was set up for Bryan High's prom...
10:45 A.M. - Autumn's shower at Traditions (Allison's Mom's house). I got there late, because I had to go and get her bouncey seat. I had intended to get her gift earlier in the week, but I was dealing with laying tile and bugs! Anyway, that is for a later time... So, I wrapped her gift in the back of my Tahoe in blazing heat, only to discovery that not only was there not a bag big enough to buy to fit the box, the wrapping paper roll was also too small! I used the entire roll, and I'm sure it looked a little strange. Oh, well. I guess it was the fact that I got it there that mattered! I am so excited to meet baby Mcewen!
12:00 P.M. - I had to have my hair done for my bridal pictures that were to be taken at the Admin building on campus. I had never heard of the place, but it was recommended by John's sister. She did exactly what I wanted her to, so I was pretty happy. I'm a little hard to please with my hair. I may hire her for the wedding, if John's cousin Amy cannot make it. I would rather Amy do everyone's hair. I thought it would be special to have her do it, but she just had back surgery, so I'm not sure what the plan is.
1:00 P.M. - I picked up my bouquet from Post Oak Florist. It was beautiful! I ordered an all-white bouquet of different varieties of white/ivory roses to add interest. There is one single red rose to signify rememberance of my Father. I will also have his class ring wired into my bouquet on my wedding day. I didn't have it done for my Bridal pictures. My bouquet is actually still alive, and it is still beautiful! My girls are going to carry mini versions of my bouquet. I can't wait to see it.
4:00 P.M. - We moved the picture time from 3 to 4, because the photographer had some things to do, and we did, also. We ran to the mall to get earrings. I had no idea, but my Mom wanted to get me whatever I wanted, so I picked out a pair that was in an "antique vintage" setting. They have one diamond in the middle with a ton of smaller diamonds around the center diamond, and another layer of diamonds facing out under that. They are hard to explain, but I saw them when I bought John's ring, and I fell in love with them. I am wearing them in my pictures. If I didn't send the link to you, email me and I will send it. I don't want to put a picture up here, in case John decides for once to read my blog. It would figure that he would want to look now!
Some interesting things happened during the picture session... A white feather to Lynda signifies that her Mother-in-Law, who is deceased, is looking down on the situation or whatever is happening at the moment. A ladybug to me is my lucky charm. When I found out that I was going to have Kylee, I picked out a ladybug theme right away, and I have adopted that as my good luck charm. I have never seen more ladybugs in my life since. During the session, I saw three feathers flying around, as did Lynda. When I was sitting by the tree, a beautiful little ladybug crawled up onto the bottom of my dress and she just sat there. It was also raining every so slightly on and off. I don't know how many more signs that were significant to us we could have seen, but it seemed like everyone was trying to tell us something... I think the raindrops were my Dad in a way :-) There was also a crazy squirrel that sat next to me for a little while and he seemed to want to hang out...
The pictures were done around 5:45, and I came back to Joel and Lynda's and was exhausted! I think I first tried to go to bed around 7:00, and that didn't work. I tried again at like 8:30. No luck. I don't remember when I finally went to bed, but I slept soundly all night. Kylee had already been up for a while at 7:45 when I woke up on Sunday, and I hadn't even heard her playing with Lynda. My mind is starting to work overtime in anticipation for our wedding. I had no idea really how much time we DIDN'T have, until we started planning the remaining weekends out and what we still needed to do with them. We don't have a whole lot of time.
We went to the park on Sunday morning, and I would have put Kayden in a cuter outfit, had I known that I was going to take so many pictures...

I took a nap on Sunday, because I had a bunch of dental work last month, and I got a peanut stuck in the open socket of one of my wisdom teeth that had to be cut out. I had to have it packed four times, and it still gives me trouble. Apparently, it takes six months to heal. Eating mashed potatoes and soup is getting really old, but it's better than digging a peanut out of an open socket. Oh, well, if that's the worst that I have to deal with, then I'm doing pretty well...

Next week is Nicole's 13th birthday, so we will be in town again for that, and we will probably try to find time to meet with the music director at the church. So much to do, and so little time. I have to work on Memorial Day, which is disappointing. Our friend Matt is getting married on Monday, so I will only be able to make the rehearsal. The cool thing is our rehearsal will be at the same location, so we can get an early preview. The bad thing is that I have to leave right after. I took two days off when I had to keep Kayden home last week. I took one vacation day and I have to make up the other by working on Monday. I need all the time that I can scrounge to take off for the honeymoon. Cancun here we come!